Creative AcademiesCreative Academies in Sandwell receives £47,684. Throughout February, Health Lottery West Midlands is raising money for local good...
Ekta - Unity Voluntary Organisation Ekta - Unity Voluntary Organisation receives £34,265. Throughout February, Health Lottery West Midlands is raising money for local good...
Simon says...Simon says local charity has the X Factor. Bell Green Silver Surfers aim to deliver weekly IT sessions for people aged over 60 at the...
Kushinga community gardenKushinga community garden and the social currency project. Kushinga Community Garden are celebrating a grant totalling £30,401 from...
Grown Ups and Wigglers in RugbyGrown Ups and Wigglers in Rugby. Entrust Care Partnership in Rugby are celebrating receiving a grant of £10,276 for their new 12-month...
Supporting StokeSupporting Stoke’s very own Wonder Women. Letting in The Light were awarded £47,345 by People’s Health Trust, using money raised by...